Amity Parenting
We live in a time of an abundance of information on parenting. It has become more confusing than ever to know how to raise children to be confident, responsible, and independent human beings that can successfully navigate the complexities of life. Amity Parenting can help you find confidence in your own parenting style. We can guide you in parenting with self-assurance and will help you find solutions to your unique concerns in the comfort of your own home.
"The thing about parenting rules is there aren’t any. That’s what makes it so difficult."
Ewan McGregor
What We Do
Today's parents face different and more complex challenges than previous generations. Combine that with the overwhelming and often conflicting parenting information available, it's no wonder why parents find themselves struggling at times.
Navigating child development,challenging behaviours, divorce, social media/online use, mental health concerns, peer conflict, school pressures, and moody emotions are only some of the concerns today's parents face.
Together we will identify the root of the problem and utilize effective strategies that will increase parent education and leave you seeing positive changes. Your individual coach will identify your strengths and help you build on your successes. We already know you are amazing and will help you see it too!
Hiring Amity Parenting is an investment in your family’s future. We are passionate about families and know your family can function at its best – Because your family is worth the time!

Tammy - Lethbridge
Single parent
"Hillary has an amazing way of coaching that brings out your best skills. She is fun, and shares her insights in a way that makes sense."
Anonymous - Lethbridge
Blended Family
"Hillary has taught me a lot. When your parenting styles change, your teen changes automatically. She has helped our family huge. We have been to many counselling sessions and not one has helped. She easily connected with our teen. Our home is definitely more calm. I highly recommend her professional services."
Richelle - Edmonton
Married- 2 kids
" I absolutely love Amity Parenting's values and beliefs. Hillary has taught me so much and I have no doubt she will continue coaching me because she teaches so much more than healthier ways to parent. That being said, I truly believe she has helped me to be a better mother. Thank you for everything!"